Poison amazon diablo 2 build
Poison amazon diablo 2 build

With a javelin in her hand and the right build guide, the Amazon becomes a beast on an unprecedented level. The Amazon is already a gifted class in Diablo 2: Resurrected, with lots of passives and a good mix of magic and physical damage for late-game enemies that have immunities and resistances. RELATED: Beginner Tips For Diablo 2: Resurrected That You Need To Know

poison amazon diablo 2 build

Apparently, nobody got this memo about the Javazon in Diablo 2: Resurrected. By letting a class specialize in everything, they have no effective weaknesses and game designers are well aware that this can effectively "break" the game.

poison amazon diablo 2 build

There is a reason video games don't let tanks have extreme damage and mobility.

Poison amazon diablo 2 build